The Basics

How to care for your fugu:

The Flower Circle:
As you begin caring for your pet, you'll notice a circle of white little flowers that grow around it when you make it happy. When the circle is complete, the flowers turn purple, and then it's time for a happy dance! Tap on your fugu when there are purple flowers, and it'll come up to your screen to lick

you. Pet it for awhile to increase your chances of getting more star fruit. You'll hear a weird "Ching" noise when a star fruit starts to grow, and when it's done growing and can be picked. Meanwhile, the Fugu will go sit and kinda dance while happy music plays, and all types of fruit will grow faster until the purple flowers are gone. With each happy dance, your trust level will increase by one, until you get to level 100.


Your fugu will eat a lot (and thus...will poop a lot). You've got three options in what to feed it; apples, oranges and grapes. Technically, you could feed it star fruit too, but I highly recommend you don't. Apples grow the fastest, then the oranges, then grapes. Star fruit take the longest. The longer food takes to grow, the more flowers will appear when it's fed to your fugu. It'll also be worth more acorns from Max. Drag the fruit from the trees or the ground to your Fugu's open mouth and it'll grab it from you and eat it. Keep doing this until you drag a piece over and it shakes his head "no". Then you can either put the fruit into your storage bag to the left, or use the basket on the right to trade it for acorns during the day, or donate it "to less fortunate fugus" at night. Max will start off by giving you a small bag that can hold only a few pieces of fruit. Later at his shop, you can spend your acorns to upgrade your bag to hold more, with each upgrade costing more and more acorns. I recommend saving up grapes and oranges, that way when your fugu is starving you won't have to wait for food to grow. Fruit left on the ground for awhile will turn rotten and must be thrown away.

Starfruit/Star Coins:
These are considered special currency at Max's shop. During the day, hold one up, and the basket on the right that usually converts fruit to acorns will change to a basket that will convert star fruit into star coins. At night, this doesn't happen though, so be careful not to accidentally donate your star fruit. Also be careful to not accidentally feed them to your fugu! I try to keep Zika busy by feeding him or waiting until he goes to the bathroom before I king up a star fruit. He'll eat one even if he's otherwise full. Aside from them growing on trees during the happy dance, star fruit and coins can also be found hidden around the forest, like in the bird's next. Occasionally, your fugu will give you gifts, and sometimes it'll be one fruit, or one or three of the coins.

Another form of currency, gained by trading fruit, finding some hidden in the forest (including in the area by the shop!), or by receiving them in a gift from your fugu. Acorns are used solely to buy things in Max's shop.
Exchange rate:
Apple=2 Acorns
Orange=4 Acorns
Grapes=6 Acorns

This one's simple. Every once in awhile, your fugu will look distressed, and will walk over to the side of your rug and poop. The various shapes mean nothing, they're just entertaining. Tap and drag the poop over to the trash can that pops up. My first pet, Bing, never did this, but Zika loves giving me random presents...literally. Wrapped poop. You've been warned.

Ways to make your Fugu happy:
Feed it, throw away it's poop and rotten fruit, pet it, poke it in the tummy, and pinching/stretching his face. Shaking your phone will make him balloon up, but I haven't seen any effects, positive or negative, with that or poking it in the eye.

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Time Traveling
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