Starting Your Adventure

When you first open the app, a well drawn animation plays out, giving you the backstory for Fugus. After your finished watching, you'll meet Max! A boy in a fugu costume who's found one last hidden egg and wants to share the responsibility (or so he claims) of pet ownership with you!

He'll ask you your favorite color (which will end up being the color of your Fugu), then exclaims that that's his favorite color too and it's fate! Huzzah!

You'll see an egg behind him, and when he asks you to pet it, go ahead. Then he'll tell you that's it's bonding to you, and now to give it time.

After your new Fugu hatches, you can give him or her a name, or wait until later. I believe Max waits about an hour before asking for a name again. Regardless, Max give you a stickerbook at this point, and it can be brought up my sliding your finger up from the bottom of the screen. If you only pull it up slightly, you can see your Fugu's age and Trust Level, along with how many Acorns and Star Coins (both types of currency) you have.

After getting aquainted with your Fugu, Max comes back and now he's a shopkeeper! Max's shop is now officially open. Check under the Shopping! page for more on that.

Check in the Basics sections for more on general care.

Later on, Max comes back with some bad news; his mom won't let him stay up all night to man the shop! At this point your fugu gives you a gift, and inside you'll find the magic bag that's enchanted to keep food held in it fresh forever. Starting the next day, a new bag will be for sale that'll hold more fruit.

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